Dry Ark Ltd: A proposed interview process for technical people

I’ve been thinking for a few years now about what the simplest, least effort and most discuss-able interview process might be for technical people. ‘Technical people’ means anyone whose job it is to write code and build systems. What about this?

  • Explain how the internet works. Go into the level of detail you’re comfortable with
  • Write a useful program (that runs on a computer) in less than 50 lines. Use any language of your choice, use any resource you like (e.g. Google, ChatGPT)

Dry Ark: the company with your terms on your conditions.

Tales from LushRooms (coming soon…)


In the absence of any other account of how LushRooms came to be, and if you’ll allow me, I’ll go through how we managed to design, build, test, deploy and monitor an open source, highly scalable microcomputer infrastructure for Lush Spa using only open source tools.

More to follow. But for now, find (most of) the code here:
Main repo with CAD files
Player server
Player control web application