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What is this about?
Ditto + TICK = DitTICK. This may or may not roll off the tongue. Would have also accepted: TICKto
This tutorial outlines a rough-and-not-ready end to end IoT solution that includes:
- Creating a simple (and not production ready!) Arduino based device to spit out ‘telemetry’ data using an
incompleteimplementation of UDMI - Sending the ‘telemetry’ data to a dummy ‘gateway’. This can either be installed on something like a Raspberry Pi or the same laptop running DitTICK. The dummy ‘gateway’, at its core, is a 2 way MQTT client that translates the data from the Arduino into MQTT messages on an arbitrary topic
- Connecting the ‘gateway’ to a Mosquitto broker
- Connecting that broker to the TICK stack and Grafana for logging and monitoring what the Arduino is doing
- Connecting Ditto to the broker to create near real-time digital twin of the Arduino
- Using a basic Angular ‘web app’ to toggle the LED connected to the Arduino via the Ditto REST API
- [optional] Deploying parts of the system to GCP (potentially for free)
- [optional] Deploying the web app to AWS (also potentially for free)
Some terms above are in single quotes, e.g. ‘telemetry’ and ‘gateway’. They are so labelled because they intend to simulate production grade and MUCH more fully featured devices made by companies like this. All we’re doing is this:

The only purpose of slotting together these technologies to toggle an LED on and off via the internet is to provide the reader with an appreciation for the basic elements that are common to most IoT systems. There is very little concern for security in the system I’m going to cover. There is also no concern for any sort of automated commisioning of additional devices that could be added to the system. It’s entirely possible to add these features: this software is extensible! Predictably, the only limits are those of will, imagination, time and cold hard cash. On we go!
What I won’t cover
Git. You’ll need to pull the 3 repos listed at the top of this page to make things work. git clone ...
is all you need right now but you’ll need git installed. You could also download the ZIPs of the repos, whatever works for you.
Various parts of the system are written in (basic) C++, Python and JavaScript. There’s a bit of HTML in there too, of course. We’ll be testing things as we go using a UNIX-like command line and eventually clicking around web consoles of two public cloud providers. I’ll assume you have an appreciation for this stuff. Most of the code is quick specific to this tutorial but if you really don’t know where to start and you’re completely out of your depth, perhaps start with this fun HTML tutorial. Come back after when your journey leads you back 🙂
I’m not using any fancy features of these languages, so if you have some experience with programming you should be okay. If you have a lot of experience with programming, you’ll notice how thrown together everything seems/is 🙂
I won’t cover what an Arduino is or how to debug electronic circuits. I also won’t cover what a Raspberry Pi is or how to troubleshoot if things go awry. The communities for both of these wondrous things are more than ample. I also won’t go into great detail about what Telegraf, InfluxDB and Chronograf are – I’ll be covering what to do with them, though.
Most of the software runs using Docker and docker-compose. If you’re not familiar with the containerised style of software development, never fear. The docker run...
and docker-compose...
commands should work out of the box – but I won’t be covering what Docker is. Long story short, it makes the code work the same on both my machine and your machine, as well as in the fabled cloud. It also means you don’t have to install hundreds of dependencies to get started.
We’ll also be creating a simple local network that will communicate with another network in the cloud. I’ll assume you have at least a passing knowledge of basic TCP/IP stuff including the concept of ‘link local’ IP addresses and *NIX commands like ping
and arp
The code has been tested on local machines running Ubuntu 18.04+ or MacOS Catalina+. The dummy ‘gateway’ code has been tested on HypriotOS (a fantastic bit of kit) and once again on Ubuntu 18.04+ or MacOS Catalina+. I won’t be covering how to install Ubuntu/HypriotOS or how to use them in any great detail. For the most part, I will assume you’re running commands on Ubuntu/Debian. It won’t be much trouble to make them work on MacOS.
As a general rule, I’ll add resources to links that might fill gaps in knowledge but I won’t reference or explain them, lest their anchors become broken.
It can certainly be done, but I won’t be covering how to make this work on Windows. Something, something, something, embrace open source, Linux is your IDE, something something something, complete.
The Joy of End-to-End
There’s something immensely satisfying about creating a complete system that (sort of) works. This tutorial came out of a vague set of requirements and with little to no ideas on how to put all the parts together.
Admittedly, all of this seems convoluted when one could simply buy an off the shelf IoT solution. However, making each part of the solution from close to ground up gives a glimpse into how to critique off the shelf offerings in their entirety. You might also realise that existing offerings don’t offer something that you and your team could offer.
Plus, it’s free and you can do things in your own house with it with an extra effort. So, without further ado, let us start at the first end.
Dev Environment
You should have the following installed on your machine:
– A web browser, preferably the latest version of Chrome or Firefox
– Git
– Docker 18.09+
– Python 3 + pip
– The Arduino IDE
– Within the Arduino IDE, the ArduinoJson library
– [optional but strongly suggested] Postman
– [optional] Node.js 9+
I’d recommend downloading the three repositories to a directory called ‘DitTICK-dev’ or something. So:
$ cd /your/path/to/DiTTCK-dev
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
The UDMIduino
UDMI + Arduino = UDMIduino. A naming theme is emerging

The UDMIduino is an Arduino with a button to toggle an LED, one LED acting as a sensor and other LED to act as an output to that sensor. The sketch is written in a mangled way. That’s it.
Its only purpose is to spit out packets of information on the state of each of the LEDs over the serial line and accept one command to toggle the LED. I used an Arduino Uno, some spare components that I had lying around and a breadboard. In theory, you can use any Arduino device and any components you want – but you’ll have to make some changes to the sketch. Speaking of the sketch, here it is:
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
int count = 0;
int x = 2000;
int y = 500;
int bub = 0;
int incoming_byte = 0;
boolean remote_override = false;
StaticJsonDocument<200> udmi_out;
void setup() {
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A0, INPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
void toggleLED() {
digitalWrite(3, !digitalRead(3));
void loop() {
// Monitor inputs
int bib = digitalRead(2);
if (bib == HIGH) {
remote_override = false;
if (bib == HIGH && bub == LOW && remote_override == false) {
int bob = analogRead(0);
analogWrite(5, 255-bob);
bub = bib;
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
remote_override = true;
// read the incoming byte:
incoming_byte =;
// say what you got:
Serial.print("I received: ");
Serial.println(incoming_byte, DEC);
if (incoming_byte == 't') {
toggleLED() ;
// Generate output
// build udmi
udmi_out["version"] = 1;
udmi_out["timestamp"] = "0";
udmi_out["points"]["lux_level"]["present_value"] = bob;
udmi_out["points"]["lum_value"]["present_value"] = digitalRead(3)*100;
udmi_out["points"]["dimmer_value"]["present_value"] = 255-bob;
// write udmi
serializeJson(udmi_out, Serial);
It’s not immediately important to understand the sketch – just appreciate that the LED that toggles simulates digital actuation (on/off), the other LEDs simulate analogue actuation and a sensor. That is:
– Toggling LED = ‘the luminaire’ = lum_value
– The reversed polarity LED = ‘the sensor’ = lux_level
– the LED that reacts to ‘the sensor’ = ‘the dimmer’ = dimmer_value
So, let’s build us a UDMIduino.
1. Construct the circuit:

2. Upload the sketch to your Arduino in the usual way. Then it will become the UDMIduino!
3. Check that the button toggles the ‘luminaire’ on and off
4. Cover the ‘sensor’ and make sure that the ‘dimmer’ changes. It will flash weirdly or do something else based on the stability of your power supply/USB power line.
5. In the Arduino IDE, monitor the serial line (baud rate 9600) and ensure that data is coming through. It should look something like the print out below after the screen
command. If you’re having trouble (as I did) getting the Arduino IDE serial monitor to work on Ubuntu, please see here.
On Ubuntu/Debian/Linux Mint/Pop OS/etc, you can also monitor the serial line with:
$ sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0
To find the ID of the serial device, since it may vary for a number of reasons, you can monitor device status on your machine with:
$ dmesg -wH
If, while watching the output of dmesg
, you unplug and replug the USB cable from your Arduino you’ll be able to figure out what device (/dev/xxx
) it’s paired with.
The output will look something like this:

That’s it for the UDMIduino! We now have an ‘IoT device’ that does something marginally useful.
The Dummy Gateway
Why is it such a dummy? It’s a dummy because all it can do is talk to a single UDMIduino. In the real world of IoT, a gateway is a single point of contact for many devices to talk to at once. A real gateway allows many things pass through. The dummy gateway has no such agenda.
The core of the dummy gateway is this Python script. A stripped down version of this is shown here:
import serial
from time import sleep
from serial import Serial
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
SERIAL_CONN = '/dev/ttyACM0'
ser = Serial(SERIAL_CONN, baudrate=SERIAL_BAUD, timeout=None)
def mqtt2serial(message, ser):
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0:
client.connected_flag = True # set flag
print("connected OK")
print("Bad connection Returned code=", rc)
def on_message(client, userdata, message):
payload = str(message.payload.decode("utf-8"))
print("message received " ,payload)
print("message topic=",message.topic)
print("message qos=",message.qos)
print("message retain flag=",message.retain)
mqtt2serial(payload, ser)
mqtt.Client.connected_flag = False # create flag in class
client = mqtt.Client("DitTICK Dummy Gateway") # create new instance
client.on_connect = on_connect # bind call back function
client.on_message = on_message #attach function to callback
print("Connecting to broker ", broker)
client.connect(broker) # connect to broker
# Subscribe to the topic from ditto (or elsewhere)
while not client.connected_flag: # wait in loop
print("In wait loop")
print("Subscribing to LED toggle topic... ")
print("in Main Loop")
line = ser.readline() # read a '\n' terminated line
decodedLine = line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
ret = client.publish("dittick/UDMIduino-000/events", decodedLine)
print('Serial is a bit janky, retrying...')
client.loop_stop() # Stop loop
client.disconnect() # disconnect
The mqtt2serial
function is innocuous enough but highly important. We’ll come back to that later.
Local gateway
First things first, let’s start a Mosquitto broker on your local machine. Assuming…
– You’re working on an Intel/AMD x86_64 computer
– You have Docker 18.09+ installed
…you can start an entirely insecure and unconfigured mosquitto broker with:
$ docker run -it -p 3389:1883 -p 9001:9001 eclipse-mosquitto
This will make it accessible via localhost:3389
. Now, with the UDMIduino still plugged into your computer and streaming data through the serial line, start the script. The ouput should look something like below. First install the dependencies with:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then start with:
$ sudo python3
Connecting to broker localhost
In wait loop
connected OK
in Main Loop
If you see ‘Publishing…’ it means that data is successfully being channeled from the UDMIduino through the broker. Based on the topic set in, you can monitor the broker using mosquitto_sub
or MQTT.fx. There are more sanity checking details in the README. Generally, successful connection with the broker will look like this:
# mosquitto_sub -t dittick/UDMIduino-000/events
There we have it, an Arduino connected to an MQTT broker with some Pythonic glue. Since the broker is the point where all other useful things can make contact, there are now essentially unlimited things we can do with these data parcels that show device state. We can subscribe to the UDMIduino topic with any number of programming languages and systems. We can store the data somewhere, we can do real time analytics, we can set up alerts, trigger emails, control other devices, kitchen sinks, anything!
We’re going to slim down those possibilities and start simple though – next we’ll store the data in a database and display it on a nice set of graphs on a website. Enter the TICK stack and Grafana.
A Raspberry Pi Gateway
I realised the “Raspberry Pi Gateway” deserves a step-by-step tutorial of its own. A link will be posted here soonish!
TL;WR – the “Raspberry Pi Gateway” is simply the script running on a Raspberry Pi (the UDMIduino is plugged into the R’Pi via USB too).
No Arduino? No Raspberry Pi? No Problem!
Option 1: Unplug the Arduino
All being well, if you:
– shut down the
– unplug the USB cable from your machine
– restart
script should go into failsafe mode and start sending random messages with the same JSON format as the physical UDMIduino:
$ python3
Could not connect to the serial line, activating DUMMY_MODE
Connecting to broker localhost
In wait loop
In wait loop
connected OK
Subscribing to LED toggle topic...
in Main Loop
Option 2: Use the UDumMI
I wrote another little thing for those who don’t have Arduinos, Raspberry Pis or other miscellaneous electronic paraphernalia, find it here.
By default, the UDMI-dummy (or ‘UDumMI’) connects to the services defined in this tutorial. Run it with:
$ cd /your/path/to/UDMI-dummy
$ python3 -i
A retro curses interface should pop up. Press the spacebar to start autosending messages:

Using the UDumMI is entirely unecessary but it has the advantage of simulating a button press, in this case using the ‘w’ key.
TICK and Grafana
I could have gone with TICKraf or GraTICK but, at some point, the madness has to stop
Telegraf conf:
Grafana conf:
TICK stands for:
– Telegraf
– InfluxDB
– Chronograf
– Kapacitor
For our purposes here, we won’t be using Kapacitor so we’re really only using it to 75% of its potential. Right?
We’ll use Telegraf to connect to the our dummy gateway/broker and a database. We’ll store our UDMIduino data in InfluxDB and we’ll test that everything works with Chronograf before hooking up Grafana, all on our local machine (for now).
The first step is to properly configure Telegraf. We need to configure an input that talks to our dummy ‘gateway’ broker (which should still be running on localhost:3389) and an output that funnels the MQTT payloads into InfluxDB. Telegraf uses .conf
files to set everything up. The most important parts of our config looks something like this:
# Read metrics from MQTT topic(s)
servers = ["tcp://"] # EXAMPLE ONLY!
name_suffix = "_udmiduino"
## MQTT QoS, must be 0, 1, or 2
qos = 0
## Topics to subscribe to
topics = [
data_format = "json"
# Configuration for influxdb server to send metrics to
## The full HTTP or UDP endpoint URL for your InfluxDB instance.
urls = ["http://localhost:8086"] # required
## The target database for metrics (telegraf will create it if doesn't exist)
database = "dittick" # required
## Retention policy to write to. Empty string writes to the default rp.
retention_policy = ""
## Write consistency (clusters only), can be: "any", "one", "quorum", "all"
write_consistency = "any"
## Write timeout (for the InfluxDB client), formatted as a string.
## If not provided, will default to 5s. 0s means no timeout (not recommended).
timeout = "5s"
username = "root"
password = "root"
The Grafana config is more straightforward, we’re just setting up usernames, passwords and Grafana URLs here. One of Grafana’s shining features is pre-deployment dashboard provisioning. We’ll use this to create a dashboard for our UDMIduino so that when we run TICK and Grafana we’ll start seeing data straight away.
Grafana dashboards are represented by a fairly large and baffling JSON structure. For the UDMIduino, it looks like this. All this is doing is creating a dashboard called ‘UDMIduino’, connecting it to the Influx datasource and creating 3 graphs to show what the LEDs are doing. That is, lum_value
, lux_level
and dimmer_value
Running and testing TICK
This is where everything starts to come together. Navigate to where you cloned the DitTICK repository. In there, there is directory called ‘docker’:
$ cd /your/path/to/DiTTCK/docker
Shut down anything else you may have running on TCP port 80. Then, run:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.tick.grafana.yaml up -d
Creating network "docker_default" with the default driver
Creating tick ... done
Creating nginx ... done
This will start Telegraf, Influx, Chronograf and Grafana with the right configuration to connect to the Mosquitto broker that is, hopefully, still running on your machine and still accepting data from the UDMIduino. Also included in this docker-compose config is an Nginx instance that routes the various TICK containers to sensible endpoints. Don’t worry if:
a) You don’t fully know what Nginx is for
b) you don’t care about Nginx right now
c) you don’t understand how the nginx.conf
It’s just there to avoid having to navigate to the TICK services without connecting to random TCP ports. It’ll also make it easier to deploy this stack elsewhere later on. If you are familiar with Nginx, this is one of many ways to do this and I’m no expert!
All being well, you should be able to navigate to http://localhost/chronograf
and see something that looks like this:

Chronograf is described as the user interface to the TICK stack. We’ll be using it to ensure everything is set up correctly in a graphical way to test some queries to Influx.
First, check that Chronograf is successfully connected to InfluxDB (click the spanner/wrench icon):

Next, head over to the ‘Explorer’ window (the icon that looks like a line graph/a lightning bolt that’s fallen over):

The Explorer allows you to interactively query InfluxDB data. On the far left panel at the bottom of the window, there should be a database called dittick.autogen
– this is the database we told Telegraf to create.
The middle panel are all the datapoints Chronograf has found inside InfluxDB. The far right window are the fields within each datapoint. You should see one called dittick/UDMIduino-000/events
. Select all of the fields within and see the data from the last five minutes:

Seeing the UDMIduino on Grafana
Up until now, we’ve seen glimpses of what our UDMIduino is doing, be it line by line in text format on a terminal or value by value on Chronograf. I mentioned that it’s possible to provision dashboards in Grafana earlier. Well, the good news is they’re already provisioned and working! Navigate to http://localhost/dashboards
and you should see a log in screen to Grafana:

– username: admin
– password: dittick
Click on the ‘UDMIduino’ dashboard and there it is!

By default, the panels will update every 5 seconds. So press the button on the UDMIduino circuit to toggle the LED on and off. After a maximum delta of 5 seconds, you’ll see the lum_value
change. If you completely cover up the ‘sensor’ LED, you’ll see dimmer_value
and lux_level
go to one extreme or the other. Lovely:

Ditto: an LED API?
So, we have an Arduino with some LEDs and a button. We have it sending its state to a time series database through an MQTT broker. We can see some nice web based graphs of what’s happening, pretty much in real time. But what about if we want to control the LED remotely from anywhere in the world?
Well, we’d have to create some sort of software system that connects to the MQTT broker via the internet. Easy enough, we could just write another Python script. But it would also be nice if it exposed a REST API so we could also get the last state of the device too. While we’re at it, we could also expose a websocket API so we could get real time updates. Our REST API would need to work both ways though. We need to send something to the API to change things. And, while we’re at it, it would be nice if we could store the state of other devices in this system too. So it would need a database. And it would need to have security features too. Sounds like too a deep rabbit hole.
Thankfully, Eclipse Ditto does all of that already and it’s maintained by people who are far better than I am. So let’s use that.
Go back to the docker directory in the DitTICK repo:
$ cd /your/path/to/DitTICK-dev/DitTICK/docker
Presuming you’ve still got the docker-compose.tick.grafana.yaml
stack running, shut it down with:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.tick.grafana.yaml down -v
The -v
is very important: this removes the volumes associated with the running containers. When that’s all happy and deleted, run the
$ ./
The start script first pulls down a version of Ditto that I know to work (v0.9.0) and then starts up the TICK stack, Grafana, Nginx, a Mosquitto broker and Ditto all together using docker-compose
. Depending when you’re reading this, v0.9.0 may be very old indeed!
Depending on your local machine, starting this entire stack could take some time. If your machine starts lagging or even crashing, skip to the section below where we deploy DitTICK to Google Cloud Platform.
I’m using Postman to interface with Ditto’s REST API. Included is a pre-baked collection that acts as a script, of sorts, for what we need to do. You can use any other tool you wish to interface with Ditto; if you’re a purist no one is stopping you using curl
. The raw requests can be found in the root of the DitTICK repo: they’re the ones ending in .txt
NB: you may need to tweak the raw requests to make them work. There are odd things that happen with line endings on different command line clients. I’d recommend using Postman – everyone will be happier that way. Import the collection and follow the rest of this text with ease.
Now, as I said, the Ditto stack can take some time to boot up. If you’re using the included Postman collection, you should see something like this:

The ‘Ditto health’ request should be set up to send a GET to http://localhost/health
. If you send this request when Ditto is ready, you’ll get a { "status" : "UP" }`

If Ditto is not ready, you might get a 502 Bad Gateway
response or similar. As we speak, I’m running Ditto on an Ubuntu host with a dual core i7 something-or-other and 16GB RAM, it normally takes around a minute to become stable.
When Ditto is ready, run the ‘Get things’ GET request:

This returns all of the so-called ‘Things’ that are currently registered in Ditto’s database. At the moment, we have no Thing. Which is as it should be since this is a fresh install.
Things, in Ditto speak, are devices or units that you want Ditto to talk to. In this context, a UDMIduino is a ‘Thing’. Ditto uses a MongoDB instance internally to store records of ‘Things’ (devices), connections to those devices and security policies to protect those devices from bad actors. Also, the T in IoT stands for ‘Things’. The naming is good.
To connect our UDMIduino to Ditto so we can take advantage of its device REST API, we first need to create a policy. Fire off the ‘UDMIduino policy’ request in the Postman collection, the response should be something like the following:

We’ve just created a policy called dittick:policy
. We’ll use this to ‘secure’ a tunnel between our UDMIduino and Ditto’s REST API.
Next, we create a ‘connection’ (use the ‘Create connection’ Postman request):

Annoyingly, the response if this request is successful is meant to be null. If there’s an error, there’s something more informative, don’t worry. We’re POSTing the following payload to Ditto ‘Connectivity‘ service. Let’s unpack this a little:
"targetActorSelection": "/system/sharding/connection",
"headers": {
"aggregate": false
"piggybackCommand": {
"type": "connectivity.commands:createConnection",
"connection": {
"id": "mqtt-udmiduino-000",
"connectionType": "mqtt",
"connectionStatus": "open",
"failoverEnabled": true,
"uri": "tcp://mosquitto:1883",
"sources": [
"addresses": [
"authorizationContext": ["nginx:ditto"],
"qos": 0,
"filters": []
"targets": [{
"address": "dittick/UDMIduino-000/lum-value",
"authorizationContext": ["nginx:ditto"],
"topics": [
"qos": 0
"mappingContext": {
"mappingEngine": "JavaScript",
"options": {
"incomingScript": "function mapToDittoProtocolMsg(headers, textPayload, bytePayload, contentType) { const thingId = 'UDMIduino-000'; const jsonString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(bytePayload)); const jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonString); const value = { udmi: { properties: { version: 1, timestamp: 0, points: { lux_level: { present_value: jsonData.points.lux_level.present_value }, lum_value: { present_value: jsonData.points.lum_value.present_value }, dimmer_value: { present_value: jsonData.points.dimmer_value.present_value } } } } }; return Ditto.buildDittoProtocolMsg( 'open.iot', thingId, 'things', 'twin', 'commands', 'modify', '/features', headers, value ); }"
There are a few important parts:
, this is saying that we want to use the Ditto Connectivity API piggybackCommand.type
is what we want to do
is how we’ll link this connection to our UDMIduinopiggybackCommand.connection.uri
is what we’re connecting to (in this case the mosquitto broker started with our script). The broker is running via Docker with a hostname alias ofmosquitto
. In this configuration,tcp://mosquitto
is only accessible from within other containers running in this stackpiggybackCommand.connection.sources
is (are) the MQTT topics we want to associate with this connectionpiggybackCommand.connection.targets
is (are) where we’re sending messages back from Ditto’s REST API (there is also a WebSocket API but that’s out of scope for now). We’ll use this to send the toggle command back to the UDMIduino*.*.authorizationContext
relates to the policy we set up earlierpiggybackCommand.connection.mappingContext
is how to programmatically map messages coming into Ditto from ANY source into a structure Ditto will understand. Here, we’re using the JavaScript mapping engine. There’s also a Java mapping engine but I have less than no idea about that. Docs are here and are not for the faint of heart!
Of these, piggybackCommand.connection.mappingContext
is by far the most crucial. Here it is in full:
function mapToDittoProtocolMsg(headers, textPayload, bytePayload, contentType) {
const thingId = 'UDMIduino-000';
const jsonString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(bytePayload));
const jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonString);
const value = {
udmi: {
properties: {
version: 1,
timestamp: 0,
points: {
lux_level: {
present_value: jsonData.points.lux_level.present_value
lum_value: {
present_value: jsonData.points.lum_value.present_value
dimmer_value: {
present_value: jsonData.points.dimmer_value.present_value
return Ditto.buildDittoProtocolMsg(
If you recall, our incoming message from the UDMIduino looks like this:
The above is being printed out by a Python interpreter, so here the b'
means ‘bytes’. \r
is the ASCII carriage return and \n
is the ASCII linefeed character. This is low level stuff – this is what the UDMIduino is giving us. Ditto doesn’t care too much about lower level stuff, it wants strings of easy to understand text. That’s what the script is doing to create the jsonString
is the JSON structure Ditto wants and needs to function. All Ditto cares about is attributes
and features
. Every ‘Thing’ must have attributes (that don’t change that often) and features (which change more often). Both features and attributes can be arbitrary JSON structures.
In Ditto, we’ve set our UDMIduino Thing to have a few dummy attributes and one feature called udmi
. The JavaScript mapping script simply rips out the important values from any incoming MQTT messages and forwards them on to Ditto. As it stands, this mapping script will only work for a Thing with a name of UDMIduino-000
. That works for this tutorial, but in real life you’d want this kind of script to work for a subset of incoming messages with a certain structure and an arbitrary device ID.
So, after reading the word ‘Thing’ enough times, let’s finally add our UDMIduino to Ditto’s database. Use the ‘Create UDMIduino’ request in the Postman collection:

Now, if you resend the ‘Get things’ request in Postman, you should see that the values of
and ...dimmer_value
change if you keep on resending ‘Get things’. If you push the button the UDMIduino to toggle the LED, lum_value
will to 100 or 0 if it is toggled on or off.
What we’ve just created is a Digital Twin of the UDMIduino. Congratulations! But on its own, a Digital Twin is lonely and useless. Its real life partner, its soulmate, is so far away – perhaps they’ll never even meet in real life. Tragic to the point of paradoxical.
As is sometimes the case, however, adding some extra technology into the mix can make the Digital Twin enslaved forever an unwilling customer useful! It’s already useful enough being able to monitor the last known state of our UDMIduino. If we unplug the Arduino then the last state is saved in Ditto’s database. In a more complex situation, this might give us some insight into why something important started to malfunction.
What we’re about to do is ‘complete the loop’. The ‘connection’ we made earlier coupled with the mqtt2serial
method in the
Python script in our dummy ‘gateway’ form the path from Ditto back to the UDMIduino. Let’s remind ourselves of that method:
import serial
from time import sleep
from serial import Serial
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
SERIAL_CONN = '/dev/ttyACM0'
BROKER = "localhost"
ser = Serial(SERIAL_CONN, baudrate=SERIAL_BAUD, timeout=None)
# To become a generic mapping function
# mqtt2bacnet could feature BAC0?
def mqtt2serial(message, ser):
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0:
client.connected_flag = True # set flag
print("connected OK")
print("Bad connection Returned code=", rc)
def on_message(client, userdata, message):
payload = str(message.payload.decode("utf-8"))
print("message received " ,payload)
print("message topic=",message.topic)
print("message qos=",message.qos)
print("message retain flag=",message.retain)
mqtt2serial(payload, ser)
mqtt.Client.connected_flag = False # create flag in class
client = mqtt.Client("DitTICK Dummy Gateway") # create new instance
client.on_connect = on_connect # bind call back function
client.on_message = on_message #attach function to callback
print("Connecting to broker ", BROKER)
client.connect(BROKER, BROKER_PORT, 60) # connect to broker
# Subscribe to the topic from ditto (or elsewhere)
while not client.connected_flag: # wait in loop
print("In wait loop")
print("Subscribing to LED toggle topic... ")
print("in Main Loop")
line = ser.readline() # read a '\n' terminated line
decodedLine = line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
ret = client.publish("dittick/UDMIduino-000/events", decodedLine)
print('Serial is a bit janky, retrying...')
client.loop_stop() # Stop loop
client.disconnect() # disconnect
The most important bits are:
def mqtt2serial(message, ser):
def on_message(client, userdata, message):
payload = str(message.payload.decode("utf-8"))
print("message received " ,payload)
print("message topic=",message.topic)
print("message qos=",message.qos)
print("message retain flag=",message.retain)
mqtt2serial(payload, ser)
client.on_message = on_message
When we tell the client to subscribe to the topic: dittick/UDMIduino-000/lum-value
, we’re telling it to listen to the topic we set up in the piggybackCommand.connection.targets
bit of our Ditto ‘connection’. When we receive a message, we’ve set up a callback (on_message
) to print out the message and then call mqtt2serial
. This sends the character ‘t’ back to the UDMIduino. In the UDMIduino sketch we have this block:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
remote_override = true;
// read the incoming byte:
incoming_byte =;
// say what you got:
Serial.print("I received: ");
Serial.println(incoming_byte, DEC);
if (incoming_byte == 't') {
toggleLED() ;
When the UDMIduino unit receives a ‘t’, toggle that LED. This will happen if we get any message on the topic dittick/UDMIduino-000/lum-value
– there’s no sort of validation in
. Why not add it yourself? However, onwards…
You might have done this already, but if not, try the ‘Test toggle’ request on Postman. If the lum_value
LED was off, it should now be on and vice versa. Loop completed! You can still turn the LED off with the button in the UDMIduino circuit too. Hooray!
And with that, we have our UDMIduino API. We can get the last state of our device and control it using RESTful calls. That, coupled with TICK and Grafana gives us a complete history of what the device has done in the past and a way to control it remotely now.
As it stands, the most important parts of the system are now in place. You can connect to Ditto’s REST API and do things with the UDMIduino with any number of systems. With a bit of tweaking, you can also connect to influx directly, say using a Python script, to query the data and do other useful things. You could build a mobile app to control the LED. You could explore Ditto’s websocket functionality and ingest the data into an entirely different pipeline. You could even extend the
Python script to automatically add the UDMIduino to Ditto whenever it’s plugged in to a new system. Et cetera. Worlds/oysters.
The following sections deal with making a basic web app that does the same thing as Postman to toggle the LED before finally deploying everything (except the dummy ‘gateway’) to the cloud so that we can monitor/control the UDMIduino from anywhere in the world. The point of this tutorial is to explore the stack so these things aren’t strictly necessary, but I find that nothing feels real until it leaves one’s local machine and until one can do something on a mobile device.
The following sections also skim through a lot fairly quickly – extra dependencies will be needed in your dev environment!
[optional] The Big Red Button
Every important machine has a Big Red Button
Now, I’m a big fan of big red buttons. So let’s use a website with a big red button to toggle that LED. Find the code at the link above. The app is written in ~Angular 5.2, which at this point is a fairly old version. No matter – as ever I’m not using any fancy features of Angular and, if you’re well versed with Angular, this code should work with later versions of the framework too.
If you know what you’re doing, I’ve provided a static build of the app that talks to the Ditto instance started above with:
$ ./
If not, you’ll need Node.js installed on your machine. Anything above version 8 should work fine, versions above 10 are recommended. Navigate to the directory with the big red button app in the udmiduino repo:
$ cd /your/path/to/udmiduino/web-ui
We need to install the dependencies of the app with:
$ npm install
If all has gone well (you may need to remove the package-lock.json file if Node complains) then you can start the web app with:
$ npm start
This should automagically launch the app in a new tab on your operating system’s default browser on http://localhost:5000
, as dictated by the run
script in package.json
. You should see:

Hit the button! Is the LED toggling on and off? Can you see the value changing on Grafana? Can you still see the value changing in the ‘Get things’ Postman request to Ditto? Good! If not, there’s something wrong with your configuration.
Let’s take a look at what the app is doing when the big red A button is clicked:
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { HttpHeaders } from "@angular/common/http";
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Basic ZGl0dG86ZGl0dG8="
export class DittoServiceService {
dittoURL: string = "http://localhost/api/2/";
ledToggleEndPoint: string = "things/open.iot%3AUDMIduino-000";
toggleBody: any = {
version: 1,
timestamp: "0",
points: {
lux_level: {
present_value: 0
lum_value: {
present_value: 0
dimmer_value: {
present_value: 0
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
toggleLED() {
return this.http.put(
this.dittoURL + this.ledToggleEndPoint,
When the A button is clicked, we’re simply sending the structure Ditto wants to the Ditto REST API, exactly the same way Postman was earlier. That’s it!
If you’re on a home network (e.g. a regular domestic WiFi router) the Big Red Button app will also be served over that network. Find your IP address with ifconfig
on *NIX/Debian/Mac systems (or ipconfig
on Windows):
$ ifconfig
wlp1s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
inet6 fe80::6e59:f85c:ef3d:1b80 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
ether b8:08:cf:3e:8f:d4 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 638191 bytes 619106510 (619.1 MB)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 351308 bytes 79868724 (79.8 MB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
My IP address will be different to yours, but if I go to
, I will see the Big Red A Button. If you don’t see it, your firewall may be blocking TCP port 5000. DitTICK is also being served over your home network. This means that, if your mobile phone/tablet/whatever are also connected to your home WiFi, you can control the LED with them too! We’ll need to change the following line in the Angular app to make it work though:
dittoURL: string = "http://localhost/api/2/";
will become:
dittoURL: string = "http://{{THE IP OF YOUR MACHINE ON YOUR NETWORK}}/api/2/";
dittoURL: string = "";
The Big Red A Button app might take a while to load, but when it does you should be able to toggle the LED as usual.

Naturally, because Ditto works, Grafana works too, just go to http://your_machine's_ip/dashboards
and log in again with:
– username: admin
– password: dittick

Now, imagine if we could change the IP in the Angular app/DiTTICK to a public IP address so we could control the LED from anywhere. Enter GCP and, additionally, the most valuable virtues of Docker and docker-compose
[optional] The Big Red Button: Worldwide
What we’re going to do now is use docker-compose to run our DitTICK stack on a virtual machine (VM) in the cloud. I’ll be using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) because:
a) If you don’t have a GCP account already, (and at the time of writing this) you get $300 free credit for a year. DitTICK is fairly resource intensive so AWS’s ‘free tier’ won’t cut it here
b) GCP has a fantastic ‘cloud shell’ – we can access a terminal of a VM in the browser. This is handy!
c) To get stuff like DitTICK up and running, GCP documentation is by far the most helpful
d) GCP runs on 100% renewable energy, so our flagrant disgregard for server efficiency won’t harm the planet
If you don’t like/can’t use GCP for some reason then any VM that runs docker-compose
and has a configurable firewall will be just fine. You could even plausibly run DiTTICK in something like AWS ECS as a set of ‘tasks’. Kubernetes is also an option but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
For starters, sign up to GCP, create a project called ‘DitTICK’ and head to the ‘Compute Engine’ tab. If you’ve just created the project, GCP needs a bit of a breather before it’ll let you spin VMs up:

When it’s ready, hit ‘Create’:

Set up a VM in whatever region you like with at least 15GB of RAM (Ditto is hungry) and a Container Optimized OS:

You can see in the screenshot above that, if this VM is left running, it’ll cost you an estimated $97.69 a month. That means, being pessimistic, it’ll probably cost you more that this! If you’ve got that kind of money to burn, more power to you. If you’d do literally anything else with that money, do remember to shut down this VM once you’re done with this tutorial! (I’ll remind you again later)
Leave everything else on default and check the boxes to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic:

Once the VM is up and running, hit the ‘SSH’ button in the GCP console:

If your broswer doesn’t block it, a pop up will open that serves as a remote terminal to your VM:

The ‘Container Optimized OS’ has docker installed by default, so check everything is working as expected with a quick docker ps
– you should see that no containers are running.
Once you’re in, clone the DitTICK repository onto this machine, as before, with:
$ git clone
Then go into the docker directory:
$ cd ./DitTICK/docker
Unfortunately, docker-compose isn’t installed by default, so our
script won’t work here. We still need to clone the ditto repo though, so:
$ git clone --branch 0.9.0 --single-branch --depth 1 ditto
We can then run our docker-compose stack with a clever workaround that’s outlined here:
$ docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v "$PWD:$PWD" -w="$PWD" docker/compose:1.24.0 -f docker-compose.all.yaml up -d
NB: the command above should all be on one line!
You should see the usual feedback from docker-compose
that all of the containers have started successfully. Now, back in the GCP Compute Engine window you can find the public IP of your server, the ‘External IP’:

Click it, and you should see a helpful homepage to navigate our TICK and Ditto services:

You can access Grafana with the same credentials as before, admin
Of course, there will be no log of the UDMIduino on Grafana because we’re now looking at an InfluxDB instance running in the cloud. So let’s get some data in there! All we need to do is point our dummy ‘gateway’ script to our new VM. Change the BROKER variable to the External IP and restart the script:
SERIAL_CONN = '/dev/ttyACM0'
BROKER = "" # <--- your 'External IP' goes here!
BROKER_PORT = 3389 # weird looking port, right?
ser = Serial(SERIAL_CONN, baudrate=SERIAL_BAUD, timeout=None)
# To become a generic mapping function
# mqtt2bacnet could feature BAC0?
def mqtt2serial(message, ser):
A quick note about the mysterious use of port 3389. The ‘standard’ port for MQTT without TLS certificates is 1883. The only reason I’ve used port 3389 is because this port is open by default on fresh GCP VMs. Security! Port 3389 is normally used for RDP. If you’ve been having trouble with any of the scripts above, this could be why.
Presuming everything is set up correctly, the ‘gateway’ script, with the UDMIduino still connected to it, should say:
$ sudo python3
[sudo] password for guestsudo:
Connecting to broker
In wait loop
In wait loop
connected OK
Subscribing to LED toggle topic...
in Main Loop
And now, after around 10 seconds, we should see data feeding into our Grafana in the cloud:

And there we are! We have a vague mock up of a generic IoT device sitting right next to us and we can now monitor it from anywhere in the world.
Ditto is also running here, however much like our until-recently-fresh install of Grafana, the UDMIduino ‘Thing’ won’t exist on our server either. You can use the same Postman collection we used earlier to populate Ditto’s database with a Policy, Connection and Thing. Just change localhost
in the request URLs to your External IP, e.g.

You’ll also need to change the value of the piggybackCommand.connection.uri
key in the ‘Create connection’ request body:

I’m no Ditto expert, so for reasons I’m not entirely clear about you must use the External IP of your VM for the connection string. If you try to use ‘localhost’ or ‘mosquitto’ hostnames Ditto will reply saying that they’re blacklisted. If you have any insight, let me know!
All being well, you should also be able to monitor and toggle the LED, as before, using the ‘Get things’ and ‘Test Toggle’ requests:

That means the API to the UDMIduino is now on the public internet! Hooray for convenience! Blood curdling screams for security concerns!
Because everything is on the public internet, however, it means we can change one line in our Big Red A Button web app and it will talk to our newly deployed Ditto instance:
export class DittoServiceService {
dittoURL: string = ""; // CHANGEME!
ledToggleEndPoint: string = "things/open.iot%3AUDMIduino-000";
toggleBody: any = {
version: 1,
timestamp: "0",
points: {
lux_level: {
present_value: 0
lum_value: {
present_value: 0
dimmer_value: {
present_value: 0
Restart the Angular app and Hit That Button. Eventually, the LED will toggle. You may notice that the LED will now take a good deal more time to change state, compared to when DitTICK was deployed on your local machine. Depending on where you deployed the VM on GCP, we’re now potentially talking across the world. These things take time!
The Big Red Button on AWS
For no reason* in particular, let’s deploy our slightly updated Angular app to AWS via S3. This is one of many ways to deploy a web site, so any other way you might know:
- Via some generic hosting service (like GoDaddy/OVH/Ionos/whatever)
- Running your own LAMP stack
- Serving the site from an internal server
- etc
Will all work just fine. The DitTICK instance we’ve just deployed to GCP is on the public internet. If you have a server in mind, make sure it has outbound access. I’m using S3 because it has the least set up I’ve found to deploy a simple static HTML/JS/CSS site. Angular is a tool used for developing web applications – what you get at the end is still HTML/JS/CSS.
Presuming you’ve changed the dittoURL above:
dittoURL: string = ""; // CHANGEME!
Make sure you’re in the root folder of the Angular app and run:
$ cd /your/path/to/udmiduino/web-ui
$ npm run build
Your output should be something like this:
$ npm run build
> big-red-button@0.0.1 build /home/guestsudo/Projects/DitTICK/udmiduino/web-ui
> ng build --prod
10% building modules 7/10 modules 3 active ...-ui/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.j
...[potentially more messages]
27% building modules 148/149 modules 1 active ...core-js/modules/_to-absolute-inde 27% building modules 149/150 modules 1 active ...tTICK/udmiduino/web-ui/src/stylesDate: 2020-01-24T14:37:16.132Z
Hash: 482bf2729909f9ee9807
Time: 4468ms
chunk {0} polyfills.f0eca7a3efead95b6d35.bundle.js (polyfills) 63.5 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {1} main.931146859e0d26884cce.bundle.js (main) 173 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {2} styles.abbabe9089be11cce627.bundle.css (styles) 27 bytes [initial] [rendered]
chunk {3} inline.318b50c57b4eba3d437b.bundle.js (inline) 796 bytes [entry] [rendered]
This will create a new directory, /dist
, with files that look like this inside it:
$ ls -la
total 272
drwxr-xr-x 2 guestsudo guestsudo 4096 Jan 24 14:37 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 guestsudo guestsudo 4096 Jan 24 14:37 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 guestsudo guestsudo 5636 Jan 24 14:37 3rdpartylicenses.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 guestsudo guestsudo 5430 Jan 24 14:37 favicon.ico
-rw-r--r-- 1 guestsudo guestsudo 605 Jan 24 14:37 index.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 guestsudo guestsudo 796 Jan 24 14:37 inline.318b50c57b4eba3d437b.bundle.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 guestsudo guestsudo 172629 Jan 24 14:37 main.931146859e0d26884cce.bundle.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 guestsudo guestsudo 63550 Jan 24 14:37 polyfills.f0eca7a3efead95b6d35.bundle.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 guestsudo guestsudo 27 Jan 24 14:37 styles.abbabe9089be11cce627.bundle.css
The hashes before each .bundle
, e.g. 318b50c57b4eba3d437b
will be different for you.
If you’re unfamiliar with AWS and S3, there are now a few prerequisites:
- You’ll need an AWS account. If you’re signing up today it won’t cost you a penny, the method we’re using for deployment here is, for all intents and purposes, free forever given how AWS billing works in early 2020
- You’ll need to set up an S3 bucket for static hosting
- I could cover how to set up S3 here but the link above will point to the current and recommended way to do it. Main caveats;
- Remember to give public read access (just for the S3 bucket that’s hosting your site)
- Remember to also add the right bucket policy like the one below:
"Principal": "*",
Once all that’s done, click and drag the contents of the /dist
folder into your S3 bucket:

Click through the prompts and everything should be okay. In the picture above, the name of my bucket is ‘urawizard-red-b-worldwide’ so my bucket policy looks like this:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicReadForGetBucketObjects",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::urawizard-red-b-worldwide/*"
Note the different in the Resource
value. The URL to my site is: Yours should look similar to that.
I’ll keep the link up for reference and you can press the button as many times as you like, it’s not connected to anything so don’t worry! In Chrome/Firefox/maybe Edge by now you can see it’s not connected to anything by opening the ‘network’ tab in the Inspector console and seeing a failed GET request every time the button is pressed, e.g.

Hopefully, by checking your own Big Red A Button deployment, you can use the same method to check if your Angular app is talking to DitTICK happily. And, by now, it should go without saying that every time you hit the Red Button, the LED on the UDMIduino should toggle.
*the reason is so I can tell people this is a ‘hybrid cloud’ tutorial
Going Remote
It’s taken a while to get here, I get that. But what we’ve just done is connected a Thing to the Internet through our dummy ‘gateway’. It should become apparent how useful (and extensible) this is if:
- You note down the URLs of
- your GCP deployed Grafana instance
- your Big Red
AButton app in S3
- Walk outside
- Put the links into your smartphone’s web browse
- Toggle the LED with the web app
- Watch in change on Grafana
- Share the links with someone on the other side of the room / office / town / city / hamlet / world
- Get them to do the same thing
This system works anywhere! And you’ve done it all using Open Source components and very well thought out standards like HTTP and MQTT. Good show!
Cleaning Up
If you’ve made it this far…
This is nothing more than a whistle stop tour of one approach to doing this sort of thing. There are a lot on concepts to get one’s head around so, especially if you’re inexperienced in this area and you got to the end with everything working, well done!
If any of the code doesn’t work or any part of this tutorial is confusing, feel free to post an issue on the relevant GitHub repository or leave a comment below.
Below are some brief pointers on what would need to be done to make this system ready for a ‘real world’ scenario.
In the real world, we don’t serve REST resources, endpoints or web applications over HTTP. Unless we have a very, very solid reason, we use HTTPS. We try and use a better method than Basic Authentication.
We don’t open an MQTT socket with no security whatsoever. We use TLS certificates or secure passwords or we use both. Certificates need to be rotated from time to time. When dealing with thousands of devices, this should be automated.
Everything deployed in this tutorial is either entirely unsecured or uses default credentials. The credentials used in this tutorial are all publicly accessible via the GitHub repos we’ve been using. Do not reuse them!
If you’re intent on generating your own TLS certficates using openssl, see here for a proposed method:
If you’re intent on hosting your own web servers, see here for a simple development environment for a simple static site with free SSL certificates forever using Let’s Encrypt:
Stability and Data Provenance
In the real world we do not store databases in Docker volumes. If this were a real system, there should at least be regular backups of the database server. Ideally, if you want to use InfluxDB, use a managed database service. If the service provides rollbacks of your data, jump on it!
The docker-compose
files we’ve discussed all describe a number of containerised services. These services could be deployed to different servers or some sort of managed ‘auto-scaling’ system like AWS ECS or K8S. There will always be an overhead of time and cost to operate a service like this!
Imagine you want to put a temperature sensor in your garage and send the data to something like DitTICK. It is manageable to use Postman to add your temperature sensor to Ditto and extend the dummy ‘gateway’ code to forward your data from the sensor to Influx.
Now imagine you have 4000 new temperature sensors that are about to be installed in delivery trucks that drive for 12 hours a day. Each temperature sensor will be powered down when the engine is off. The failure rate of your sensors is 40 per year.
Ditto can act as your device and connection registry, no problem. But you’ll need a robust process to add every new sensor to Ditto and, if something goes wrong, replace or update device in the registry.
While the truck is driving, it goes into an underground tunnel and stops pushing data to the cloud. What happens then?
These things need consideration!
Real ‘IoT’ devices are a lot more complex than the UDMIduino. They will have their own quirks. They may have their own management interfaces and systems – they will certainly have their own security. These will need to be integrated carefully with DitTICK. Real IoT gateways are even more complex.
All in all, it sounds like there’s plenty of scope to extend the functionality of DitTICK, fork it at will!